Me and the Bread Man

Me and the Bread Man
Me and the Bread Man

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ahhh....Spring Break

Now, this title and content of this post may not be news to anyone, but I know of no student who does not love spring break. Not only have we actually had a few spring-like moments, but actually having to not go to class as opposed to skipping is a beautiful thing. We got to take the kids to feed the ducks yesterday, with a ton of bagels that Jacob had from his stores. Easy, fun, and better yet, free entertainment. Little Miss Payton, however, could not truly relax for fear of the geese who were so not afraid of her. A few photo ops, lunch, preschool, and Avery took a really good nap that day while it rained away the afternoon.

Just a quick update on our lives: Payton started soccer, Bryant just started track, I am starting softball, and everyone else goes along for the ride. I cannot wait for summer, now that I have had a taste of sunshine. Some of it artificial, I admit, but hey, I have a wedding next weekend, and I am wearing a black dress. I need to look a tad healthier, and a little less albino.

My only wish over this wonderous break, is that I could actually accomplish all of the goals I had set for myself. There are many assignments that need to be done, and I really wanted to finish off a couple classes to clear my space for the final push to my degree. What I can exactly do with that degree remains to be seen, but having it will make me feel like a part of myself is complete. Not a bad feeling. So to all of you spring breakers out there, have fun, relax, and never forget the power of procrastination. I can feel it just eating away at my last Sunday of break!