Me and the Bread Man

Me and the Bread Man
Me and the Bread Man

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away!!

I have never been a fan of rain. I feel like yes, we need it, yes, I would like a green lawn, but no, I do not want to walk around in the mud all day. Adding to my seasonal depression (I don't really suffer from it, but I do like the sun, it just makes things happier), the rain does not help. Why does the weather have to wreak such havoc with our moods? For example, I have so much to do, and really have no time to do it in, and all I want to do today is crawl back into bed and sleep. The rain is soothing, almost like having a fan on in your room when you sleep. It just begs to be watched and not actually gone out in. Oh, if only I could sit and watch the rain. Life has other plans though.

This weekend, I am going out of town for my sister's baby shower. We are having a spa day. I think this will be a great time, as I had one of these showers myself when I was expecting my third. However, the weather being as cold and temperamental as it has been has wreaked havoc on my legs. They have not needed to be seen, therefore they have not needed to see a razor. In a long, long time ladies. You know how it goes, winter comes, pants go on, and we all take a break from the daily shaving craziness of the summer. So in addition to making sure all of my children are packed, I have all the requisite shower necessities (did I mention I was throwing this shower in the middle of my semester?), and the roads aren't closed, I must worry about the appearance of my legs. I will just pencil that in, knowing there will only be one person who will care, my husband who has begun to think he is married to Bigfoot or some other significantly hairy animal person thing. Love you honey! You will have your wife back in let's say, May. Possibly June. Just make sure you put a pretty little razor under the tree for me so I feel obliged to use it.